Collier of chains

With chains, split rings and metal ornaments it’s quite fast to make a piece of jewellery. This necklace came out of an afternoons work. A friend asked me for a necklace and this was my first suggestion.

Clockwork Fan

I don’t remember the date I was infected with steampunk fever. But one of the first symptoms aka projects started would take ages to be finished:

The Clockwork Fan

A Steampunk’s Guide to: Sofia [part two]

Vestigo. A secret society dedicated to technological progress but little more than a rumour. A dark hallway, an apartment stuffed with peculiar equipment. The bureau of a tinkerer. Books, technical drawings, a map of the world and behind you the door click shut silently.

A Steampunk's Guide to: Sofia [part one]

For the unprepared traveler on a business trip the Bulgarian capital will be a surprise with it’s rich history and the mixture of orient and occident. From most of the city snow covered mount Vitosha is attracting the eyes. But what is Sofia holding ready for a Steampunk?

Lace bookmark

My grandma got this tatted bookmark for Mother’s Day. The pattern was inspired by an edging from the book “Tatting Craft, My Book No. 3” (1900) by Anna Valerie. But it only the resembles the shape. i added several links and made it bicolored.